Monday, October 10, 2011

2008 Audi A4 3.2 Cabriolet Road Test

Audi was kind enough to supply me with this car just in time for my annual trip down to the Pocono's in Pennsylvania, for the International Motor Press Association's TestFest, and to be honest, I couldn't have chosen a better vehicle myself for the trip.

The sun shone all the way down, all the while we were there, and all the way home... Top-down motoring at its finest!
The A4 Cabriolet is a great road trip car.

Now, whenever you plan to travel any kind of distance in a convertible car, the first thing which comes to mind is...trunk space! After all, you can't be leaving expensive camera equipment and other holiday necessities piled up on the back seat, whilst you stop off at the last Tim Horton's before the border, can you?

No worries there. The Audi A4 Cab had more than enough trunk space for not only my wife's 4 days worth of clothing (read three weeks!), but also enough for myself to pack more than a pair of shorts (apparently, that was all I required!?).

I was actually quite surprised by the roominess of the trunk, especially when you consider that when the top is folded down; it is neatly enclosed by a mechanical hard cover which sits almost flat. I personally find this feature great on a convertible vehicle, as there is nothing worse than looking in the rear-view mirror, only to focus on a bulbous lump of canvas.

Next on our list of what we needed from a travel vehicle was people-comfort, and it must be said that the A4 Cab scored well in that area, too.

The leather seats are typical Audi. They are good looking, comfortable, yet sporty and form-hugging at the same time. There was also plenty of elbow room, which is another rather useful feature on a long trip. However, Audi in its special way, managed to supply that extra room without giving up its familiar cockpit feel.

There was also a decent amount of space behind the front seats. In fact, if we had wished, we could have taken a couple of friends along with us as there was seating available for them. Mind you, one person supplying traffic directions was enough for me, anymore could have been unbearable. (Note to self: Next time ask for the model with the optional GPS system). 2008 Audi A4 3.2 Cabriolet Road Test from (

Rich textures and high build quality.